The Benefits of Installing UV Lights in Air Conditioning Systems

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a powerful tool for improving the air quality in your home. UV light cleans the air that circulates in the ducts, which travels throughout the house as air enters through the return vents of each of the rooms. The ultraviolet light energy produced by light bulbs can destroy the smallest particle of dust, making the air cleaner and healthier. Studies on UV lights in air conditioning systems have also yielded significant results.

A study found that UV lights could reduce the amount of mold and bacteria in a test home by 97%.Another study showed that air purifiers with ultraviolet light could reduce the amount of flu virus in the air by 90%. Germicidal UV lights for air conditioning systems are special ultraviolet lights that kill or deactivate viruses, bacteria, mold and other airborne pathogens. UV light doesn't immediately kill organisms, but it makes them unable to produce the proteins they need to survive and reproduce. UV lights are not a new technology and have been used for nearly a century to treat problems such as tuberculosis in hospitals. One of the claims that some HVAC companies make is that a UV light in your HVAC system can kill viruses.

Implementing a UV light in your HVAC system can reduce your home's energy consumption by up to 35 percent. UV lighting systems, also called germicidal air purifiers, can effectively sterilize nearly 100% of germs, viruses, mold spores, bacteria, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms as they pass through the HVAC system. In fact, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Niels Ryberg Finsen in 1903 for his work on the use of ultraviolet light radiation for curing skin infections. UV lights for air conditioning systems complement your air filtration system and provide an additional layer of protection. Researchers know that the virus travels in water particles suspended in the air, so only UV lights installed in the ducts that treat the air that circulates through them could be useful.

In fact, most airborne bacteria, mold spores, and viruses easily pass through UV light without being affected at all. By installing a UV HVAC lamp, you can eliminate mold and mildew, kill viruses and bacteria, and reduce odors, all of which will improve the quality of indoor air. UV air purifiers use UV-C light (a wavelength of light of 254 nanometers) that is absorbed by the DNA of microorganisms. The additional expense may be worth it if you have problems that UV lights can solve, such as mold caused by excess moisture and humidity; otherwise, you'd better look for another, more affordable solution. Installing a UV HVAC lamp benefits everyone in your home, especially people with allergies and respiratory problems. While UV lights in HVAC systems are effective in sterilizing contaminants and allergens, they have some limitations.

For instance, they cannot remove particles from the air such as dust or pollen. Additionally, they cannot remove odors or gases from the air. Overall, installing a UV HVAC lamp is an effective way to improve indoor air quality and reduce energy consumption. It can help reduce allergens and airborne pathogens while also reducing odors and improving energy efficiency. If you're looking for an effective way to improve your home's indoor air quality, installing a UV HVAC lamp is an excellent option.

Grady Ungvarsky
Grady Ungvarsky

Proud sushi specialist. Freelance food aficionado. Wannabe coffee fan. Friendly pop culture junkie. Certified social media evangelist. Hardcore twitter junkie.