How to Install UV Light in Residential HVAC Systems

Duct systems are a great option when you don't have enough space to install a series of accessories on HVAC coils. High-frequency UV light has enough energy to destroy the DNA of bacteria and other microorganisms, killing them and disinfecting the air. Installing UV lights in your air conditioning system is simple, although most people should leave it in the hands of a professional. Once germicidal UV lights are in place, they can eliminate pathogens such as mold spores, bacteria and viruses. In fact, most bacteria, mold spores, and viruses found in the air move very easily beyond UV light without being affected.

Because UV lights can kill bacteria, viruses, mold, and other particles that can cause illness, they're a great way to ensure everyone in the family breathes easily. This UV lamp that disinfects the air is ideal for residential air conditioning systems because they are affordable, easy to install and disinfect the air when the air conditioner or oven is running. However, adding any lighting fixture will increase your monthly bills, especially when the lights are constantly working. The location of the hole doesn't need to be precise, but make sure it's relatively centered on the return duct housing; you don't want to install the light too close to the return filter. If you have problems with the formation of mold in the air conditioning unit or fungus in the house, or you are concerned about air quality, installing UV units can be an effective solution.

More recently, UV lights have gained popularity because they are said to be effective in killing the new coronavirus, COVID-19. The only downside is that working with UV lights can be dangerous, so you should hire a professional to install them or take some safety precautions if you decide to do it yourself. An ultraviolet air purifier is a system that works with specific types of particles that can spread diseases or other infections. Installing UV lights in your HVAC system is not only beneficial for your health but also for your wallet. It helps reduce energy costs by eliminating airborne contaminants that can clog filters and reduce airflow. Additionally, it helps reduce maintenance costs by preventing dust buildup on coils and other components of your HVAC system.

Finally, it helps improve indoor air quality by eliminating harmful particles from the air.

Grady Ungvarsky
Grady Ungvarsky

Proud sushi specialist. Freelance food aficionado. Wannabe coffee fan. Friendly pop culture junkie. Certified social media evangelist. Hardcore twitter junkie.