Should HVAC UV Lights Be On All The Time?

The build-up of bacteria can cause serious damage to your air conditioning system, and the installation of a UV light model is one way to prevent this. Placed just above or next to the evaporator coil, the light helps prevent bacteria and fungi from forming around the coil. Depending on the model and manufacturer, UV lights should be replaced every 1 to 5 years. For example, it is recommended to replace a Carrier UV coil lamp every 9000 hours of operation or every year, while a REME HALO should be replaced every 2 to 3 years and a REME HALO LED every 4 to 5 years.

If you notice a decrease in indoor air quality or the light isn't working properly, you may need to replace it sooner. An annual replacement program is also recommended for those with allergies and other respiratory conditions. If you can't replace the UV lamp after a period of two years, turn it off or disconnect the power supply until you change it. Installing air sterilization lights and coils requires equipment and knowledge to ensure that your air conditioning system is not accidentally damaged.

A final advantage of installing UV-C lamps in an air conditioning system is that they also destroy volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which cause unpleasant odors that remind you to tobacco smoke. UV lights disinfect air as it circulates through ducts, eliminating harmful bacteria, mold and other airborne contaminants. While it may seem that UV HVAC lights offer nothing but benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider before making the investment. Even if your air conditioning system has a high-quality air filter, adding UV light will help kill microorganisms and bacteria that may be small enough to pass through the filter. The cost of an HVAC UV lighting system will depend on the size of your system and the type of UV light that you choose. HVAC UV light systems use a special type of high-frequency, low-wavelength UV light called UV-C to destroy the nucleic acids that make up the DNA of harmful airborne bacteria and to disinfect air as it passes through the system.

UV HVAC lights are worth it if you or your family has allergies or illnesses caused by germs or particles that no other tool can remedy. A more complicated system with lights mounted on all ducts will be better for keeping the system clean, but installing them is more difficult and expensive. Filters need to be replaced more often than bulbs in a UV lighting system, making them difficult to maintain and reducing their effectiveness if you forget to change them. Mounting it this way will allow UV light to clean the air in your oven and your central air system, if you have one. UV bulbs work less effectively when they're covered in dust, so you'll need to clean them quite often to ensure this never happens, about once every two months, and possibly more if you live in a particularly dusty place.

Mounting UV lights in all ducts of the system will require more work and is not recommended. Even with UV lights on the air conditioning unit, air filters are still necessary to remove particles such as dust and dander from the air before it circulates through the house. UV HVAC lights are also good for limiting mold growth throughout the HVAC system and preventing certain respiratory diseases.

Grady Ungvarsky
Grady Ungvarsky

Proud sushi specialist. Freelance food aficionado. Wannabe coffee fan. Friendly pop culture junkie. Certified social media evangelist. Hardcore twitter junkie.